Aug 29, 20231 min readSqueezes and spongesSqueeze me until nothing is left besides comfort. You squeeze me tighter, but instead like a sponge I expand from your love. Warm myself...
Aug 26, 20231 min readyou already knowYour arms told me before your mouth did. Your face told me before your words did. Your actions spoke louder than your voice could. It’s...
Aug 22, 20231 min readconsume, charge, rechargeYour love is saturating, not consuming. I don’t want to devour it only to see it die out, I want it to seep into every pore and warm me....
Aug 18, 20231 min readfood as a feelingI have been shaped and formed by so many experiences there can be no other result than to be me. Life molds me again and again into...
Aug 14, 20231 min readlittle things I likeYour surprise and smile when I reach for your hand as we walk down the street. The look on your face when I walked up to our table for...
Aug 10, 20231 min readafterglowCuddling in the afterglow, trying to touch but bodies still too warm. My heart is also warm and I smile to myself in the dark. You fall...
Aug 7, 20231 min readthe right time to call you mineIs it too early to fall in love? To call you mine? Every time I see you I leave affirmed and hopeful. Laughter and light spill over from...
Aug 4, 20231 min readliesWhen you said you'd sleep over I warned you about my insomnia. That I'd toss and turn and keep you up at night. You told me you were a...